About Colleen Roberts
The Right Experience ~ The Right Choice
OCCUPATION: Jackson County Commissioner
Business Administration with an emphasis on Finance - Walden University,
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - University of Phoenix Rogue River High School
· Eight years as Jackson County Commissioner.
· Elected 2020 – 2021 Vice Chair Assoc. of Oregon Counties, District 4
· 2020-appointed to the National Assoc. of Counties, Public Land committee.
· 2015- current: Board Member- Association of O&C Counties.
· Precinct Committee Person, Precinct 41.
As a native Southern Oregonian, a previous small business owner, a parent and grandmother, I believe in common sense leadership, not ‘woke’ agendas.
I base all county decisions on the US and Oregon Constitution as well as Jackson County’s own mission statement and I work to ensure our rights are not lost through political correctness, economic indebtedness, or a culture that doesn’t value life.
Under my watch, Jackson County citizens have a welcomed role in government involvement and participation, turning the word transparency into a reality.
Although I work within a three-person Board dynamic-- for Board deliberations and policy direction stemming from the Board, there are specific accomplishments that I have directly contributed to and pushed through.
Voting Record:
Business Administration with an emphasis on Finance - Walden University,
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - University of Phoenix Rogue River High School
· Eight years as Jackson County Commissioner.
· Elected 2020 – 2021 Vice Chair Assoc. of Oregon Counties, District 4
· 2020-appointed to the National Assoc. of Counties, Public Land committee.
· 2015- current: Board Member- Association of O&C Counties.
· Precinct Committee Person, Precinct 41.
As a native Southern Oregonian, a previous small business owner, a parent and grandmother, I believe in common sense leadership, not ‘woke’ agendas.
I base all county decisions on the US and Oregon Constitution as well as Jackson County’s own mission statement and I work to ensure our rights are not lost through political correctness, economic indebtedness, or a culture that doesn’t value life.
Under my watch, Jackson County citizens have a welcomed role in government involvement and participation, turning the word transparency into a reality.
Although I work within a three-person Board dynamic-- for Board deliberations and policy direction stemming from the Board, there are specific accomplishments that I have directly contributed to and pushed through.
- Immediately upon entering office, I worked to get an over-used and abused Commissioner’s traveling budget dramatically reduced. Greater accountability for traveling reimbursements were put in place, leading by example for conservative fiscal management.
- Worked four years at the 2008 salary giving back about $125K to the county. Also, in 2020/21, during Covid, I refused the cost of living adjustment increase
- Actively seek, support, and defend the need for and value in public comment.
- Brought forward the impetus for the 2nd Amendment Proclamation in 2017, and the 2nd Amendment Ordinance in 2021. Both passed unanimously.
- Introduced the initiatives to address the federal fire policies to the Board. With the support of the Jackson County Board of Commissioners, I brought forward a resolution regarding federal fire policies, that I presented to the National Association of Counties (NACo) in 2019, 2020, and 2021 that were formally and unanimously adopted by the public lands steering committee.
- Presented our county’s work and issues regarding this same concern of federal fire and land management policies to the Administration of the President at the White House in 2019.
- Lead the successful deliberation to stand in opposition to the Klamath Dam removal. Also authored a comment letter for the Board's consideration to send to FERC for public comment --standing for no action alternative regarding the proposed Klamath dam removal. Board supported unanimously.
- Brought forward the “Sanctity of human Life” declaration, which was unanimously supported by the Board in 2022.
- I am a consistent “no” vote on taxing issues and levies.
- I was the only Commissioner who publicly spoke in opposition to the budget at the 2021 Annual Conference of the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC), and I did not vote in favor of a budget that was spending reserves for operational expenses. We pay dues to this organization and when the reserves are gone, it will be the counties who will be asked for more money.
- Serve on the Board of the Association of Oregon Counties, representing Jackson County.
- Recently pushed for dues paid in a 'federal lands subcommittee" in AOC to be returned to the counties and have pushed hard for accountability and transparency in that budgeting document, as well. Dues that our County paid to that subcommittee, will be returned to our County!
- To continue to stand in the battles:
- AOC, making sure we are getting a good return on our investment and their lobbying efforts.
- Seeking and standing for local control-vs-state and federal mandates.
- Continuing to connect to our federal lobbyist (NACO) and federal agencies and Congressmen for Coordinated Fire Policies. This DEMANDS an amendment change to the 1995 Federal Wildland Fire Policy.
- Continue to seek public input.
- I will continue to promote conservative fiscal budget practices.
- I would like to get an initiative before the voters to amend the County Charter to change the order of county organization from: “agency of the state, body politic, and corporate” to “body politic, corporate, and agency of the state”. This would mirror that of Multnomah County and would put the body politic, The Citizen, in its rightful place, first!
Voting Record:
- Voted against gun fees
- Voted against the hefty increased license inspection fees for restaurants.
- Voted against the heritage district referral to the ballot. (It failed)
- Voted in opposition to the Covid-19 declared local emergency’s most recent “extension” for 2022.
- I continue to stand in opposition to the state’s Covid mandates, in word, in writing, and verbally in person.
- My vote will consistently stand in opposition to dam removal.
Endorsed by Oregon Firearms Federation PAC, Oregon Right To Life, and Timber Unity PAC
phone |
541 646-2878
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Your support is vital to the campaign!
Please send donations to: Colleen Roberts P.O. Box 611 Gold Hill, OR. 97525 Or donate online here |